Ask about courses or programs

Tell us your enquiry and we will let you know the best way to contact us. 

1. What can we help you with?
Did you know?
Details about RMIT programs (overview, learning outcomes, program delivery and structure) can be found here.

If you still have questions about your program after research, you can book a one-on-one consultation with a Senior Student Advisor at Student Connect for further support.
Did you know?
You are recommended to book an appointment for program/ course advice with a Senior Student Advisor before changing your minor.
Did you know?
You are recommended to book an appointment for program/ course advice with a Senior Student Advisor before changing your major.
Did you know?
Get in touch with us for any other questions about RMIT courses and programs.
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2. Recommended service channel(s):
2. Recommended service channel(s):
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