RMIT School of English & University Pathways recognised for online delivery

RMIT School of English & University Pathways recognised for online delivery

RMIT School of English & University Pathways (SEUP) received its first ever NEAS award for Online Delivery at the NEAS Australia 2022 Management Conference.

news-1-rmit-school-of-english-university-pathways-recognised-for-online-delivery RMIT School of English & University Pathways received its first ever award for Online Delivery from NEAS - the leading global quality assurance provider in English language teaching.

The award from NEAS, the leading global quality assurance provider in English language teaching, recognises SEUP's dedication to best practice and validates the learning and teaching approaches taken in emergency remote teaching.

The School’s three programs including English for University, English for Teens, and IELTS Pathway were acknowledged for developing quality online courses that:

  • have been designed to support a positive and engaging user experience
  • ensure that learning and assessment strategies are appropriate to online delivery
  •  contain resource and technology support that helps to facilitate learning
  • are supported by an integrated reporting system.
news-2-rmit-school-of-english-university-pathways-recognised-for-online-delivery SEUP’s Senior Educator and Academic English Manager James McIntyre-Ure (pictured, right) accepted the NEAS’s Online Delivery Award on the School’s behalf and attended NEAS Australia 2022 Management Conference as a presenter. The conference offered an array of over 60 local and international speakers covering the topic of 'Glocalisation' and the six NEAS ELT Communities of Practice.

SEUP Director Urica Lopez was thrilled with the achievement and shared that the School will continue to refine its approaches, taking teacher and student feedback into consideration, as well as best practice and innovation in pedagogy and educational technologies.

“2020-2021 were challenging years for all education providers who flipped to delivering programs online,” Ms Lopez said.

“This is particularly the case in the English Language Teaching (ELT) industry where face-to-face communication is central to language development.”

The recognition motivates SEUP to look beyond emergency remote teaching and build upon its approaches to enhance face-to-face courses and develop purpose-built online programs.

“We will continue to share our experiences widely in the ELT community in Vietnam and the region through activities such as the NEAS conference, RMIT Teacher Talks, and other communities of practice,” Ms Lopez said.

In 2020, SEUP was the first English centre in Vietnam to receive quality endorsement from NEAS for its approach to online teaching and learning.


Contributing to the development of the ‘Guide to Good Practice in Online ELICOS Delivery’ by the English Australia

The School’s Head of New Initiatives Department Ronnie Hill was also delighted to share the publication of a new resource developed by English Australia, the national peak body for the English language sector of international education in Australia, with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE).

“SEUP was one of the 12 English language teaching organisations, and the only offshore campus, chosen to be part of the development group for the guide,” Ms Hill said.

“Pressures introduced by the pandemic in 2020 meant the English Language teaching sector, like many other sectors, had to rapidly adapt to online delivery. Thanks to SEUP teachers and staff for the hard-won experience during the COVID-19 closures that our contributions were based on.

“This guide brings together many of innovations and learnings accumulated in this time into a useful resource to support the successful online delivery of English programs.”

View the Guide here.

Story: Ha Hoang

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