Family Welcome Day - Semester 1/2025

Welcome new Higher Education students and parents to RMIT University! Join us on Family Welcome Day Semester 1/2025 as it is the perfect way for parents to get to know the RMIT community better.

Event overview

This event aims to welcome the parents and families of first-semester Higher Education students, offer essential information, insights and highlights about RMIT University. Our goal is to foster a partnership with families and support students through their transition to university and beyond, helping them thrive throughout this exciting new journey.

This event includes:

  • Key information about how RMIT conducts learning and teaching
  • Essential insights and tips about student resources and how parents and families can support students during the transition to university

Event details

Online session via Teams (in Vietnamese): 1 March 2025, 9:00am - 10:30am ICT/GMT +7

Register for the event

Register for Family Welcome Day Semester 1/2025 (Đăng ký sự kiện Chào mừng phụ huynh và gia đình tân sinh viên)

Event Information
- This event is exclusively for parents and families. New students are encouraged to attend the Welcome Day on February 24, 2025.
- Upon successful registration, parents will receive a confirmation email from Family Connect.
*Lưu ý:
- Sự kiện này dành riêng cho phụ huynh và gia đình. Các sinh viên mới được khuyến khích tham dự Ngày Định Hướng được tổ chức vào ngày 24 tháng 2 năm 2025. 
- Sau khi đăng ký thành công, phụ huynh sẽ nhận được email xác nhận từ Bộ phận Kết nối Phụ huynh Family Connect. 
Your preferred language - Vui lòng chọn ngôn ngữ phù hợp với anh/chị
Đăng ký sự kiện

Event Registration

Thông tin phụ huynh

Ví dụ: Nguyen Van A

Parent's Information

Example: Nguyen Van A

Thông tin sinh viên
Thông tin sinh viên chỉ dùng cho mục đích xác thực. Sự kiện này dành riêng cho phụ huynh.

Ví dụ: Nguyen Van A

Ví dụ "S40xxx00"
Ngày tháng năm sinh

Student's Information

This information is for validation purposes only. Please note that the event is exclusively for parents.

Example: Nguyen Van A

Example: "S40xxx00"
Student's date of birth

*Lưu ý: 
- Khi tham gia sự kiện này, anh/chị đồng ý cho phép chúng tôi ghi hình và sử dụng các phương tiện ghi hình như ảnh, video hoặc âm thanh của anh/chị cho các mục đích liên quan đến sự kiện, bao gồm việc sử dụng trên trang web, các kênh truyền thông xã hội, tin tức, và quảng cáo.
- Professional photography and filming will be undertaken during the event. By attending the event, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction.

Event agenda



8:45am - 9:00am Check-in
9:00am - 9:05am Event welcome and agenda presentation
9:05am - 9:10am Opening speech
9:10am - 9:30am RMIT Learning and Teaching
9:30am - 9:50am Student resources at RMIT
9:50am - 10:20am Panel Discussion: Transition to University - How parents maintain open communication and support to students; and RMIT resources for parents and families. 
10:20am - 10:30am Closing

FAQs for this event

This event is designed for parents and families of first-semester Higher Education students.

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for parents and families, each student is welcome to register one parent/ family member for the event, as seating is limited.

You may explore the Family Connect resources to stay connected with RMIT and your students, including:

  • Family Connect webpage where you can find many useful information and resources to support your students.
  • Read Guide for parents and families here.
  • Register for events and updates to stay engaged with RMIT here.
  • Register guided campus tours to help you understand the vibrant university life at RMIT on Thursday and Friday (Saigon South campus) and on Wednesday (Hanoi campus). Please drop us an email at to book a guided campus tour, or students can contact Student Connect to register for your family members.

Video recap Family Welcome Day Semester 3/2024

Photo of a student with his parents holding RMIT signages at Saigon South campus

RMIT Family Welcome Day - Saigon South campus | RMIT Vietnam

Photo of three parents of RMIT students holding RMIT signages and smiling

RMIT Family Welcome Day - Hanoi campus | RMIT Vietnam

a female student and her mother talking with a lecturer at campus

Contact RMIT Vietnam Family Connect

Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:30pm

Phone: (+84) 28 3776 1306 (ext: 2)
