Andrew Colarik

a headshot of a man
School: School of Science, Engineering & Technology
Department: Computer Science
Position: Senior Lecturer
Location: RMIT Saigon South

Andrew Colarik has accumulated over forty years of knowledge utilising computer information systems. This includes systems analysis and design, network administration, university level teaching, and the justification, specification, and implementation of factory and office automation. He is the holder of a PhD in Information Systems from the University of Auckland, and a Masters of Business Administration from Kent State University. As a researcher, author, and inventor, Dr. Colarik has been published in top-tier security journals and conferences, authored cyber security books, and is an inventor of both utility and design patents.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems, University of Auckland. Thesis: “A Secure Patch Management Authority”
  • Masters of Business Administration, Kent State University

  • Masters of Cybersecurity
  • Computer Science

  • Security impact of the global information infrastructure on businesses, governments and individuals
  • The technology impact on social, political, legal and economic structures in society
  • The design and implementation of secure communication systems


  • Wilson, R. & Colarik, AM (2020). Inequitable Internet: Reclaiming Digital Sovereignty through the Blockchain. In Steff, R., Soare, S. & Burton, J. (Eds.). Emerging Technologies and International Security: Machines, the State and War. Routledge 
  • Colarik, AM, Jang-Jaccard, J. & Mathrani, A. (Eds.) (2017). Cyber Security and Policy: A Substantive Dialogue. Massey University Press 
  • Colarik, AM. & Janczewski, LJ. (2015). Establishing Cyber Warfare Doctrine. In F. Lemieux (Ed.) Current and Emerging Trends in Cyber Operations: Policy, Strategy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan 
  • Janczewski, LJ. & Colarik, AM. (Eds.) (2008). Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism. IGI Global Colarik, AM. (2006). Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications. IGI Global
  • Janczewski, LJ. & Colarik, AM. (2005). Managerial guide for handling cyber-terrorism and information warfare. IGI Global


  • Colarik, AM & Ball, B. (2016). Anonymous versus ISIS: The role of non-state actors in self-defense. Global Security and Intelligence Studies. 2(1), 20-32. 
  • Hughes, D. & Colarik, AM. (2016). Predicting the Proliferation of Cyber-Weapons into Small States. Joint Force Quarterly. Issue 83, 4th Quarter
  • Gilmour, N. & Colarik, AM. (2015). Why we need new ideas in the fight against cybercrime. World Economic Forum
  • Colarik, AM. & Janczewski, LJ. (2012). Establishing cyber warfare doctrine. Journal of Strategic Security. 5(1), 31-48


  • McDowell, RF. & Colarik, AM. (2017). Botnets: An Unsolvable Problem? The 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. July 17-20
  • Neems, A. & Colarik, AM. (2017). The Future City? Mitigating the technological threat cities face in their adaption of smart services and infrastructure. The 18th International Conference on Internet Computing and Internet of Things. July 17-20
  • Hughes, D. & Colarik, AM. (2017). A Discourse Hierarchy of Cyber War. Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. May 23
  • Hughes, D. & Colarik, AM. (2016). Small State Acquisition of Offensive Cyberwarfare Capabilities: Towards Building an Analytical Framework. In M. Chau, GA. Wang, & H. Chen (Eds.) Intelligence and Security Informatics. (pp. 166 - 179). The 11th Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics
  • Colarik, AM. & Ball, R. (2016). The Security Codex - Mapping a Research Domain. In A. Gomez Chova, A. Lopez Martinez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.) INTED2016 Proceedings. (pp. 7551 - 7560). 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2016) 
  • Colarik, AM. & Janczewski, LJ. (2012). A Discussion on Life Systems Security and the Systems Approach. International Conference on Information Resources Management 
  • Colarik, AM. & Janczewski, LJ. (2011). Developing a grand strategy for Cyber War. Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, IAS 2011. (pp. 52 - 57) 
  • Colarik, AM., Gutierrez, J. & Janczewski, LJ.(2007). Securing Data Transfers: An integrity algorithm for error recovery triangulation. 11th Pacific Conference on Information Systems 
  • Colarik, AM., Thomborson, C. & Janczewski, LJ. (2004). Update patch management systems: a protocol taxonomy with security implications. In J. Reni (Ed.) Building the Information Society. Vol. 156: 19th IFIP WG 11.1 Annual Working Conference on Information Security Management at WCC'04 
  • Janczewski, LJ. & Colarik, AM. (2003). World framework for security benchmark changes. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 122 (pp. 397 - 400) 
  • Janczewski, LJ. & Colarik, AM. (2003). Development of a Framework for Secure Patch Management. Information Technology and Organizations: Trends, Issues, Challenges and Solutions, Information Resources Management Association, Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Idea Group Publishing.