RMIT bolsters position as a leading global university

RMIT bolsters position as a leading global university

RMIT has increased 59 places in the 2024 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

The university has moved into the 251-300 band and is estimated to be at 251. Since 2016, RMIT has climbed more than 250 places overall.

RMIT also strengthened its position in Australia, ranking 16 out of 37 institutions, an uplift of seven places.

RMIT's rise in THE rankings is largely due to continued strengthening of its reputation for excellence in research endeavours and for the quality of teaching and learning programs. 

THE’s rankings is one of the most diverse ranking schemes, measuring the performance of 1,904 universities across 108 countries and regions globally. 

It ranks institutions against five key measures (and a total of 18 indicators), with RMIT making strong gains in its global performance across four of these indicators this year:

  • Teaching: the learning environment (up 102 places) 
  • Research environment (up 36 places)
  • Citations (up 207 places)
  • Industry (up 104 places).

Key to RMIT's improved result is an uplift in reputation for teaching and research quality, as well as good improvements in the measures for research strength, excellence, influence and income.

RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Alec Cameron RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Alec Cameron

RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Alec Cameron said the University's uplift in Industry score was largely driven by the new measure on patents, demonstrating the excellence and innovation of our research.

“This is a wonderful outcome for RMIT, demonstrating how we’re continuing to enhance our reputation for quality and excellence in teaching and research among the global community, and clearly living up to our purpose as a university of impact," Professor Cameron said.

"My thanks to our talented people who have contributed to this result.”

RMIT continues to see strong results across the main rankings schemas including THE Impact Rankings, QS World University Rankings and CWTS Leiden Rankings. 

  • THE Impact Rankings: 1st for addressing inequalities, =1st for supporting decent work and economic growth, =2nd for partnering to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, 7th overall.
  • QS World University Rankings: 140th overall (up 50 places)
  • CWTS Leiden Rankings: 87th (up 41 places)

Read more about RMIT’s global rankings.

Story: Mary Gillman

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