RMIT number one globally for reducing inequality

RMIT number one globally for reducing inequality

RMIT has been ranked number one in the world for its efforts to reduce inequality within and among countries in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings released recently.

The University also ranked 10th overall, rocketing up from 82nd place in 2019.

Now in its second year, the THE impact rankings were designed to showcase progress against the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by measuring a university’s social and economic impact.

Vice-Chancellor Martin Bean said he was incredibly proud of the results.

“The Sustainable Development Goals enable us to ignite change and focus our collective efforts towards creating a more sustainable world,” he said.

“By uniting the passion and purpose of the RMIT community, and through our combined expertise, we can make a real and positive contribution.”

RMIT number one globally for reducing inequality RMIT University has been ranked number one in the world for its efforts to reduce inequality within and among countries in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings.

RMIT ranked 5th in the world for decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), an increase of 48 ranking places, and 12th for clean water and sanitation (SDG 6).

SDG 6 was a new addition to the THE impact rankings in 2020.

In what was a 52-place increase, RMIT also rose to 15th for partnership for the goals (SDG 17) and ranked 21st for sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), 53rd for responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and 58th for industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9).

RMIT’s improvements in 2020 can be attributed to the University’s exceptional work to address SDGs through partnerships and initiatives in the areas of social justice, inclusion, environmental management and operational practices.

Chief Operating Officer and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Dionne Higgins said she was delighted that RMIT had been recognised for its continued efforts across its entire operations.

“We are continuing to take giant strides forward thanks to the genuine and positive action of our passionate people,” she said.

“As the world responds to COVID-19, this collective contribution and commitment to a brighter future has never been more important.”

Story: Kate Milkins and Shelley Brady

  • Sustainability
  • Community
  • International

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